Oh, lift me; Lift me, As a wave, ...delightfully dances to celebrate the ocean's roar. Lift me, As a dry weightless leaf, As a single weightless quill, ...warmly embraces the atmosphere's 20.9% oxygen, displayed by its obedient followership. Lift me, With ease, ...as icey crystals aesthetically display the silver linings of the beautiful cloudy sky. Lift me, As dry dusts in stormy deserts, ...abreast the winds with joy and singing upon the harsh scorches of an unforgiving sun. Alas; Heavy I am, And weighed I lay. Fallen, pierced and crushed upon the thorns of injustices. Corruption pricking my very existence and fading my life to a state of inexistence. My tomorrow? Waning before my today from the lapses and failures of yesterday's self acclaimed "heroes" I bleed! My tomorrow?! A future I crave, For the birthing of a breezy dawn for tomorrow's generation to wing up and soar. Justitia! I yelled, Blindfolded you are, but u...