The dead they say can't live,
ironical but true, they yet live,
a "life in after".
Their realities away from reality
and consciousness in dead unconsciousness. 

There goes the story of an unruly nation,
dead yet alive in optical illusion,
like a mirage to onlookers
with brightness slapping the crests of ground
bringing oblivious smirks to eyes
and unturned grins to lips and cheeks. 

A nation shortsighted in course
- in deciet to forward movement,
a Royal Rumble to the stomach,
- thus a regurgitated flow for undigested plans.

A Captain on reverse set motion
pressuring his sailing - in backward thrusts,
points forward to his crew
- while steadily on a counter-clockwise right propelling. 

A nation
left domiciled in a life after
while in consciousness of breath.


Hello dear Captain,
we'd rather anchor drop,
deep dive, cling to immobile bottom rocks,
take a swim in defined consistent spots,
charge the bloody eyeshots of sharks,
than negatively sail. 


That nation live life
unconscious of reality,
preserving stenches and smells of a living dead
while in consciousness of breath.

Take a short walk,
a short trip to success.
Taste the smell of victory
and attempt a prudent breath
in clarity of attainments. 

Africa does deserve better.

A National Story!

Callistus I. Okonkwor


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