
Showing posts from June, 2023


And in those days, I saw the tides caress the brests of the oceans ...with its deep, gentle and calm strokes I witnessed dry soils smooch the droplets of rain ...and the loud moans of thunder chasing sparks of lightning I marveled as the twinkles questioned the falls of eves ...thus piercing through the thickness of its darkness until the morning dawned with the smiles of the sun warming the hearts of man - a new day! In those days, I cheered at the awesomeness of my maker in the elements...., fire, water and wind I embraced the gifts most dear and precious ..... family & friends I stood in awe to the nothingness of man, who lost in his foolishness, thought his wisdom compared to the creations of God. In those days, I pondered the battles of man over man I pondered the unceasing cruelty of man over man in search of honour, title, and glory. Although "we were made simple..." the good book did say, but man's esophagus ever remained stuck in a sing...


A host - Oval and stiff lays the treasures of pain and pleasure, for fun in scare      - but bold to dare. One scoring point in  mutual agreement  to spill and receive. * * A host - Succulent slides     gliding...          - in....out in repetitive sessions of hards crests against softs         - the digest of pleasure thrusting and bursting, wild but gentle, calculated strokes [ mastery ]        in measures for pleasure, as satisfaction  be received when peaks be called climax! * * Reception - Slippery like grease            averting friction for easy traction. Overflowing with rush of pleasure...     pound by pound stroke by stroke        into the milky way for a gush of satisfaction in evident actions as the receptionist welcome blows in moans..... receives and digests! * * A host - A measured ...