
a habitual living than leaving,

a lifestyle of many living in unity

spatially, temporarily, permanently, with or without mutual interactions.

... ... ...

Now, sometimes,

I sit in aloof wonder

why nations born of many

races with traces,

colours with beauties,

tribes and cultures,

dignities and unique characters,

bear teary eyes and laden hearts at sleepy eves

and asleep at break of dawn for sakes of malicious ambiguities and exaggerations

caused by none other than self notion inflictions

because we decided and chose the path

of outward judgement than of inward character view.

A downward sloped perception,

a judgement which eventually defined what we became than who we truly are.

Again in wandering wonders I sort to understand,

why hearts weary in shivers under the heats of cold unseen clear wars,

hurts, burning red hot even in the most temperate regions of the world.

Burns of cold heats born of decisive human complexities than God's design of humanity.

Lo, the Holy book scripts:

".....God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated" - Ecclesiastes 8:29

Where then lie the ties of unity and harmony in our so cherished complexities?

Where, the joys and bonds of "Unity in Diversity"?

We cannot all be the same - as ensured by God's infallible and impeccable design of man!

Can man be wiser than God and fault his design?

Can a product fault its maker or a tool fault its handler?

Of course not - "...for the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength" - 1st Corinthians 1:25

Right? Right!


why the skin bumps and goose chase

born from the chills and cold faces of a fiend in guise of a friendly coexistence?

A weird and uncommon sort of companionship in battles for;

racial and gender superiority

all for human belittling and human gory than glory.

"Who comes first and who comes last" - becoming our daily order

thus neglecting our humanity which sees nothing than the man in human?

We are all the same in design;

blood, tall, short, dwarf, black, white, gender, structure etc.


Even the rainbow agree and align in unity upon its colour difference

and hypocritic men as we are compliment its beauty

why then do we discriminate ourselves?

Now today,

you sit and ponder;

why settle for superiority than humanity

why should the wealth of riches define the brokenness of little

why should the weakness of man be defined by the strength of another

why should coexistence depict a picture of rude compassionate favour than acceptance and unity?

... ... ...


The wrinkles of a facial smile never truly depict the acceptance of a friend

but the smiles of the eyes born from the heart, bears no wrinkles and speaks friendly even to a fiend.

Let's embrace less worrying and more smiles in coexisting than aggravated acts of inhumanity.

... ... ...

No to;




Gender Bias!

Religious wars!

... ... ...

I write in peace!

- Callistus I. Okonkwor -


  1. Wao!
    This piece left me speechless.
    Truly written right from the heart.
    HUMANITY first, it is and then there will be PEACE for all.
    Thank you Carl πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

    1. Thank you very much Doc. Buki
      I appreciate your consistent reads, reviews and feedbacks on my pieces.


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